If you are interested in hosting an Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop at your church, please contact: cobforcontemplatives@gmail.com
Hildegard of Bingen
presented by Sister Mary McGehee
Sister Mary will be leading this retreat for the last time with a one day or week-end option.
The Hildegard Day Retreat (Saturday, September 28) includes the primary presentation of Hildegard’s spirituality, engagement with her paintings and writings, and time for personal reflection on the grounds of the monastery. Lunch, materials, and art supplies are included in the fee.
The two-night Hildegard Immersion Retreat (September 27-29) includes the opportunity to share in the rhythm of chanted prayer and the contemplative pace of life of a monastic community as well as additional sessions with Sister Mary, audiovisual materials, and a closing ritual. Retreatants are invited to more fully step into Hildegard’s spiritual environment for a time of deep refreshment. Accommodations are in a modern guest house with private bath. The retreat begins on Friday evening and concludes after Sunday midday dinner.
Retreat Director: Sister Mary McGehee, OSB
Sister Mary has long been a student of the works of Hildegard, has been a pilgrim at the site of her monastery and environs in Germany, and presented many programs on Hildegard. This will be Sister Mary’s final presentation of this program. Sister Mary will be assisted by Elizabeth (Beth) Gregory who is a Spiritual Director, member of the Commission on Spirituality with the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and serves on faculty with Metagem Institute.
Hildegard Day Retreat (September 28, 2024; 9:00 am – 4:30 pm) – $95
Hildegard Immersion Retreat (September 27-29, 2024) – $325
A deposit of $50 is required with registration, with full payment of the fees due by September 20, 2024.
Registration for Single Day or Immersive Weekend can be found at:
St. Mary’s Sewanee
770 St. Mary's Lane, PO Box 188Sewanee, TN 37375
(931) 598-5342
For more retreats at Sewanee see: